Let’s consider a scenario. You are a photographer. You own your camera, all of your camera equipment, as well as the studio you take pictures in, the computer you utilize to edit and refine said pictures, and the printer and paper that play the role of producing those pictures for your portfolio, projects, and pleasure. [...]
For our second Campus Discussion we will be discussing capital punishment. Is it ever okay to kill a human being? Should taxes be used to put people to death, even though many of those taxed are morally opposed to such actions? We’re going to make an effort to keep this one on topic, focused, and [...]
Tagged capital punishment, execution, Government, killing, murder, punishment, Rights
During our first ever Campus Discussion we will be discussing Jack Bauer. Is he a patriot… or terrorist? Are the actions Jack Bauer takes in Fox’s 24 justified? To what extent should law and order be disregarded if the ends justify the means? Thursday, September 17, 2009 7:00PM - 8:30PM JCSU Room 423
Tagged Jack Bauer, meetings, Rights, Terrorism, torture
Religion is a very predominant part of many people’s lives, and organized faiths, as we know, have their own set of moral code and conduct. What is and is not okay according to them-in other words, morals. Being born and raised Roman Catholic (and still going by that title even today), I was raised with [...]
There has been a lot of talk on prostitution going around the Students For Liberty site as of late, enticed by my own article (sorry, guys!) and it got me thinking about another right that deals first and foremost with what people are allowed to do with their own bodies. The topic is tricky, and [...]
After one of our more rip-roaring meetings about Left wing politics (in which we went into great length about abortion), I started thinking about all of the points presented. There were many great arguments for both “pro-life” and “pro-choice.” Personally, I tried to defend the idea of “evictionism” wherein a lady is allowed to evict [...]
A bill (H.R. 857) has been introduced that would make it basically illegal to grow your own food on your own land without the government’s permission. When I first heard about this I was taken aback and I thought all the blogs and the writer’s and the critics were merely engaging in a bit of [...]
Despite being able to own a gun as an individual, you (if you are a doctor) are not allowed to own/dispense your own opinion, in fact, a court has decided for you. Disingeniously, the South Dakota Attorney General Larry Long claimed, “The bottom line is if the state Legislature orders a professional to tell the [...]