The UNR Students for Liberty are proud to present our Portable Library (of Liberty). It contains many books and essays that we believe will be of interest to our members for research and just plain old personal enjoyment.
America (The Book): A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy Inaction.
Friedman, Milton asnd Rose Friedman. Free to Choose: A Personal Statement.
Lomborg, Bjorn. The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World.
Rand, Ayn. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.
Rand, Ayn. For the New Intellectual.
Rand, Ayn. The Fountainhead.
Rand, Ayn. The Virtue of Selfishness.
Rand, Ayn. The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought.
The Place of Fascism in European History. Edited by Gilbert Allardyce.
A Guide to Disability Rights Laws
Answering the Challenge of a Changing World: Strengthening Education for the 21st Century
Benjamin Franklin and the Birth of a Paper Money Economy
Born Free!: Liberty: How Long?
Clinical Trials
Cracking Down on Health Fraud
Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?
Curiosity Creates Cures
Decline and Fall of the Gold Standard
Dollars and Cents: Fundamental Facts about U.S. Money
Ensuring Equal Access To High-Quality Education
Evolution of Money and Banking in the United States
Fire’s Guide to Due Process and Fair Procedure on Campus
Fire’s Guide to First-Year Orientation and Thought Reform on Campus
Fire’s Guide to Free Speech on Campus
Fire’s Guide to Religious Liberty on Campus
Fire’s Guide to Student Fees, Funding, and Legal Equality on Campus
Free Enterprise: The Economics of Cooperation
Free Enterprise, the Economy, and Monetary Policy
From Molecules to Medicines: Research and Training Programs of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Generic Drugs
Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen
Helping Your Child Learn Science
How Faith Communities Support Children’s Learning in Public Schools
How to Find Medical Information
Inside the Cell
Investing in America’s Future: Strategic Plan FY 2006-2011
Investing in Discovery: National Institute of General Medical Science Strategic Plan 2008-2012
Manual to Combat Truancy
Medicines By Design
Money, Banking, & Monetary Policy
National Pollution Prevention Resource Guide
Panic of 1907
Preventing Youth Hate Crime
Private Sector Pioneers: How Companies Are Incorporating Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
Seeking the Treasures of the Quran
Symbols on American Money
Taking Stock in America: Resiliency, Redundancy and Recovery in the U.S. Economy
The Americans with Disabilities Act: Questions and Answers
The Best Work of the Best Minds
The Chemistry of Health
The Condition of Education 2007: In Brief
The Essential Second Amendment Guide
The Law of Liberty: Enduring Principles of Freedom
The Qur’an
The Structures of Life
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
What Does the Bible Teach About Tithing? Comics
Yes, comics… These are comics from the Federal Reserve trying to explain itself to children.
A Penny Saved…:Why and How We Save, and How Saving Helps the U.S. Economy
Once Upon a Dime
The Story of Banks
The Story of Checks and Electronic Payments
The Story of Foreign Trade and Exchange
The Story of Inflation
The Story of Monetary Policy
The Story of Money
The Story of the Federal Reserve System
Too Much, Too Little
2008 Consumer Action Handbook
Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States: 2003-2004
Consumer Labeling Initiative
Crime, Violence, Discipline, and Safety in U.S. Public Schools
Environmental Labeling Issues, Policies, and Practices Worldwide
Executive Order 12856: Federal Compliance with Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Regulations (Questions and Answers)
Federal School Code List (2007-2008)
Findings From Education and the Economy: An Indicators Report
Mathematics Framework for the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress
The Condition of Education: 2008
The Cost of Banking Regulation: A Review of the Evidence
Transportation Energy Data Book (27th Edition)
Auden, W. H. “For the Time Being.”
Barry, Dave. “Lost in the Kitchen.”
Beauvoir, Simone de. “The Coming of Age.”
Berdyaev, Nikolai. “from Dream and Reality.”
Bloom, Alice. “On a Greek Holiday.”
Boorstin, Daniel. “Technology and Democracy.”
Bradley, David. “The Faith.”
Bronowski, Jacob. “The Creative Mind.”
Brophy, Brigid. “The Menace of Nature.”
Brophy, Brigid. “Women.”
Brownmiller, Susan. “Femininity.”
Bruchac, Joseph. “Turtle Meat.”
Camus, Albert. “Absurd Freedom.”
Camus, Albert. “The Guest.”
Cowley, Malcolm. “The View from Eighty.”
Crews, Harry. “Pages from the Life of a Georgia Innocent.”
Darrow, Clarence. “Address to the Prisoners in the Cook County Jail.”
Dillard, Annie. “Aces and Eights.”
Dillard, Annie. “Singing with the Fundamentalists.”
Dillard, Annie. “The Fixed.”
Donoso, Jose. “Paseo.”
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. “The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor.”
Durrenmatt, Friedrich. “The Tunnel.”
Ehrlich, Gretel. “Looking for a Lost Dog.”
Eiseley, Loren. “The Brown Wasps.”
Forster, E. M. “Jew-Consciousness.”
Forster, E. M. “My Wood.”
Forster, E. M. “What I Believe.”
Frost, Robert. “Education by Poetry.”
Galbraith, John Kenneth. “How to Get the Poor Off Our Conscience.”
Glaspell, Susan. “Trifles.”
Golden, Harry. “The Vertical Negro Plan.”
Goodall, Jane. “The Hierarchy.”
Gordimer, Nadine. “Which New Era Would That Be?”
Greene, Melissa. “No Rms, Jungle Vu.”
Hampl, Patricia. “Memory and Imagination.”
Hampl, Patricia. “Teresa.”
Hardin, Garrett. “The Tragedy of the Commons.”
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “The Birthmark.”
Heidegger, Martin. “What is Metaphysics?”
Hemingway, Ernest. “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.”
Hubbell, Sue. “Beekeeper.”
Huxley, Aldous. “Hyperion to a Satyr.”
Ionesco, Eugene. “The Future is In Eggs or It Takes All Sorts to Make a World.”
Jaspers, Karl. “The Tension between Technical Mass-Order and Human Life.”
Kafka, Franz. “A Country Doctor.”
Kenyatta, Jomo. “Gikuyu Industries.”
Kierkegaard, Soren. “Dread As a Saving Experience by Means of Faith.”
Kierkegaard, Soren. “Is There Such a Thing As an Absolute Duty toward God?”
Klass, Perri. “Are Women Better Doctors?”
Klass, Perri. “Learning the Language.”
Kramer, Mark. “The Ruination of the Tomato.”
Krutch, Joseph Wood. “No Essays, Please!”
Leonard, George. “The Warrior.”
Lewis, C. S. “The Inner Ring.”
Lewis, C. S. “Vivisection.”
Lorenz, Konrad. “The Biological Basis of Human Aggression.”
Lorenz, Konrad. “The Language of Animals.”
Magnet, Myron. “The Rich and the Poor.”
Manchester, William. “My Old Man: The Last Years of H. L. Mencken.”
Manchester, William. “Okinawa: The Bloodiest Battle of All.”
Mander, Jerry. “The Walling of Awareness.”
Mead, Margaret. “Warfare is Only an Invention-Not a Biological Necessity.”
Milgram, Stanley. “The Perils of Obedience.”
Momaday, M. Scott. “The Way to Rainy Mountain.”
Morgan, Elaine. “Primate Politics.”
Morris, Jan. “To Everest.”
Murray, Charles. “What’s So Bad About Being Poor?”
Nietzsche, Friedrich. “from Joyful Wisdom.”
O’Conner, Frank. “Gusts of the Nation.”
Ozick, C ynthia. “We Are the Crazy Lady and Other Feisty Feminist Fables.”
Perrin, Noel. “The Androgynous Man.”
Perry, William. “Examsmanship and the Liberal Arts.”
Rich, Adrienne. “Claiming an Education.”
Riskin, Leonard. “Unsportsmanlike Conduct.”
Rodriguea, Richard. “Going Home Again: The New American Scholarship Boy.”
Rosenhan. D. L. “On Being Sane in Insane Places.”
Sanders, Scott Russell. “At Play in the Paradise of Bombs.”
Sartre, Jean-Paul. “Existentialism.”
Sartre, Jean-Paul. “The Flies.”
Silko, Leslie Marmon. “Lullaby.”
Smith, Adam. “Division of Labor.”
Steinbeck, John. “The Chrysanthemums.”
Swift, Johnathon. “A Modest Proposal.”
Thomas, Lewis. “House Calls: Medicine Before 1937.”
Thomas, Lewis. “Ponds.”
Thoreau, Henry David. “The Fitness in a Man’s Building His Own House.”
Tillich, Paul. “The Courage to Be.”
Unamuno, Miguel de. “Saint Emmanuel the Good, Martyr.”
Walker, Alica. “To Hell with Dying.”
White, E. B. “Once More to the Lake.”
White, E. B. “Progress and Change.”
White, E. B. “Twins.”
Wilkins, Roger. “Confessions of a Blue-Chip Black.”
Wolfe, Tom. “The Right Stuff.”
Woolf, Virginia. “Professions for Women.”
Woolf, Virginia. “The Patriarchy.”
Woolf, Virginia. “The Society of Outsiders and the Prevention of War.”
Wright, Richard. “The Ethics of Living Jim Crow: An Authobiographical Sketch.”
**It will quickly be noticed that many classics and musthaves are absent from this library. The purpose is twofold. Firstly, it will hopefully cut down on possible dishonesty and booktheft. We are for sharing, not stealing. Secondly, many of these exist online, check out some of the listed websites for some great resources.