Browsing the archives for the Budget Cuts tag

Smarmy, Pseudo-Intellectual, Quasi-Socialist College Students, Or, Why People Really Don’t Take the Budget Cut Protests Seriously
By: Barry Belmont

And so the debate rages on. Splayed across the collective discussion being had here-and-there in the state is the “budget cuts” to higher education. And invariably in any such discussion a certain character arises whose demeanor is that of the “Smarmy, Pseudo-Intellectual, Quasi-Socialist” (SPIQS if you will) described in the title. Over at The Sagebrush‘s [...]

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Pretentious College Students, Or, Why People Don’t Take The Budget Cut Protests Seriously
By: Barry Belmont

It seems like not a day goes by where one is not inundated with the doth-protesting-too-much of college students on the cuts to higher education in Nevada. What strikes me most about these complaints is the self-righteous presumption that these students are ‘owed’ a college education, that they deserve a college education funded through the [...]

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Protesting Budget Cuts, Or, How To Be Completely Ineffective
By: Barry Belmont

Oh public higher education…the trouble you get yourself into. Rather than embracing the streamlining of a bloated and inefficient system, rather than planning reasonably for the future, rather than shouldering responsibility, we had yet another ‘budget cuts’ protest up here at the northern end of the state. A short video of how it all went [...]

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Who Will Lead the Leaders? Or; A Tale of the Blind Leading the Blind
By: Barry Belmont

Today, several students plan to head to Carson City and protest the proposed budget cuts for higher education for the University of Nevada (Reno). This comes on the heels of meetings, hearings, late night talks with friends, and pizza-fueled letter-writing campaigns all in hopes that somehow this behemoth of cuts (effectively destroying UNR) will be [...]

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