It seems like not a day goes by where one is not inundated with the doth-protesting-too-much of college students on the cuts to higher education in Nevada. What strikes me most about these complaints is the self-righteous presumption that these students are ‘owed’ a college education, that they deserve a college education funded through the [...]
At the International Students for Liberty Conference, students around the country were able to ask John Stossel questions pertaining to various topics. One of the topics, war, was introduced and I had the opportunity to ask John and Boaz how libertarians justified killing innocent people during times of war. Well, the question appeared on the [...]
“It is a policeman’s duty to protect men from criminals—criminals being those who seize wealth by force. It is a policeman’s duty to retrieve stolen property and return it to its owners. But when robbery becomes the purpose of the law, and the policeman’s duty becomes, not the protection, but the plunder of property—then it [...]
An ABC article cited a sentence out of a joint statement from France, the US, and Britain where a warning was issued stating that: ‘… the “international community will make him [Gadhafi] suffer the consequences” …’ Really? Just Gadhafi? How many times will people buy that kind of rhetoric after Iraq and Afghanistan? I think [...]
For that minority of you following the news, the unrest in Libya has finally prompted the United States government (as part of a broad coalition) to take action and use military force. I am unsure of exactly how to feel about the situation (it’s beyond nuanced), but for those interested, please follow along at CNN’s [...]
… 23 hours in solitary confinement. … not being allowed to exercise. … anti-depressant medication being forcefully administered. … carpet burns from the heavy blankets. … no pillows or personal belongings. … stripping to your underwear before bed … not being allowed to have a blanket over your head. … a light on in the [...]
If you haven’t been following the news, a whole bunch of stuff is currently going down in Egypt. In response to this social upheaval and mass protest, the Egyptian government has pulled the plug on the country’s internet connection. How this is physically possible coupled with the conundrum of how anyone could think this was [...]
January 22nd has been designated by many pro-life groups to raise awareness regarding the issue of abortion and the sanctity of human life. An article on Lew Rockwell entitled Pro-Lifers for Mass Murder highlighted the hypocrisy many members within these groups have when it comes to their ardent opposition to abortions but their complete approval in the [...]
…and the connection of fist and face. So, a few activists in Hawaii, after having witnessed a clear violation of the First Amendment (namely, a Christian prayer said by public officials in the state’s senate chambers), pointed out that these legislators were in fact breaking the law. Not content to be told this, security escorted [...]