So, Google, with it’s 3 billion or so books cataloged, has given us the ability to track how words have been used throughout the years. Wanting to test a couple pet theories, I stumbled upon the rather remarkable trend in how people think in terms of positive and negative. I leave you to interpret the [...]
The Good of the People: Words
By: Barry Belmont
The Good of the People #2
By: Barry Belmont
Consider every murder, every rape, every insult, every spit in the eye, every driver cutting off another, every theft, every kid’s ice cream that knocked out of their hands irrecoverably to the ground, every instance of playground bullying, every ass grabbed at work, every act of blackmail, vandalism, slander, libel, in sum, consider every human [...]
…the Good of the People
By: Barry Belmont
It has come to my attention — due mostly to near daily confrontation on the matter — that many people disagree with my assertion that most people most of the time in most situations are good, caring, and decent. So much so that much of one’s philosophy about the world can consider the “evil” in [...]