Free Markets in Currency FTW: Bitcoin is Greater than the Dollar
By: Barry Belmont

If you haven’t heard of this new sort of experiment in decentralized currency exchange known as Bitcoin I suggest you burn through the internet and learn as much about it as you can about it. It is one of the most exciting real world experiments in capital currently being undertaken: a peer-to-peer currency exchange all done through the internet without a centralized coercive entity. Ah, it’s just one of those genius experiments that I am so glad to see in the world.

Anyway, today (or maybe a day or two ago) marks the day that the bitcoin became worth more than the US dollar. I’m going to repeat that again just so it sinks it: a peer-to-peer currency exchange done without coercive influence is now worth more than the dollar. Which just goes to show that a currency can exist without governmental intervention. Gotta love those markets.

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