Abolish ASUN Event Logistics (Campus Procedures Only)
By: John Russell

It is events such as this which require clubs to have a dedicated bureaucracy infiltrator position in order to appease our bureaucrats.  Below is a quick procedure flowchart I whipped together which will be performed by various members in our club in order to put on our Abolish ASUN Event within policy. With forms like this to just bring a damn pony on campus, is it any wonder why clubs digress to just ordering pizza? (Note - this flowchart only includes steps we have to/had to take in order to satisfy the school. This does not include all the preparation steps taken to make it a success)

Hey ASUN… are you still wondering why students don’t get involved?  (Click on the image for a PDF version)

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View Comments Posted in Absurd
  • http://studentsforliberty.org/news/unr-sfl-holds-festival-to-abolish-student-government/ UNR SfL Holds Festival to Abolish Student Government « Students For Liberty

    [...] They launched a petition to gather signatures in support of their cause.  They made flow charts to show how complicated the bureaucracy was.  They created videos of the process to show just how [...]

  • http://unrforliberty.com/2010/07/fall-2010-meetings-and-activities-announced.html Fall 2010 Meetings and Activities Announced! | UNR Students for Liberty

    [...] we would hate to keep our success from other clubs and individuals who are interested in learning how to navigate the bureaucracy of ASUN. Therefore, the Students for Liberty will be holding a seminar (which will be a million times more [...]

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