Pretentious College Students, Or, Why People Don’t Take The Budget Cut Protests Seriously
By: Barry Belmont

It seems like not a day goes by where one is not inundated with the doth-protesting-too-much of college students on the cuts to higher education in Nevada. What strikes me most about these complaints is the self-righteous presumption that these students are ‘owed’ a college education, that they deserve a college education funded through the taxes of their fellow citizens. Showing this attitude in stark banality is this faceless protestor and their hand drawn sign:

This sign holder has such an inflated sense of importance, such a reprehensible sense of self-worth, such a disturbing sense of entitlement that I am left at a loss for words. Cutting our budget is cutting my dream. Our budget meaning the State’s budget meaning the taxes of its inhabitants meaning money taken from innocent people under the threat of violence. These protestors must actually believe that this money should belong to them, to pursue their own ends. They, with their blossoming college educations, know what this state and its inhabitants need more than those whose funds they are plundering. They are, in their opinions after all, the up-coming leaders of the world.

Which brings us to the sad point of contention. These people-these, people-must truly think they cannot accomplish such things on their own. They must truly think they are so helpless that achieving greatness (obtaining a college degree) can only be accomplished by writ of that omnipotent GodPower The State. But if such is the case, then how can they justify their protests? Either they are gifted and talented people (who therefore are likely able enough to support their own endeavors) or they are the weaklings suckling at the teat of bloated Mother Government (and why should coercive funds be so wasted?).

And hence, the reason the vast majority of the population of the state does not care about the cuts to higher education is because of the participants in higher education themselves. The protesting students uncomfortably mix an inflated sense of entitlement (being that they are sooooo important to the future of the state) with a childish weakness unbecoming of anyone who will one day grab the reins of the world. The people who make our higher education system better are those busting their ass studying in the library, writing reports, doing research, coding for hours-the unseen movers of knowledge.

And not the people holding up little crappy signs begging Peter to be robbed for the sake of Paul.

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